
Inspiration. Vitas Luckus

This is my last days discovery. Vitas Luckus. Photo artist from deep Soviet Union times in Lithuania. He's incredible. Those days nobody took photography as serious business and especially the way how this artist made these photos was something out of discussion for exhibiting. He was rejected by that time context. After his death there was one book published and now after 20 years have passed people raise attention about his art works again.

Vitas Luckus, iš serijos „Mimai“, 1970.

1969. Girl with an ice cream.

When I see these photos I want to raise a question what is a transgression today 17/11/2014? It looks like that there is no non-transgressed place left, no theme, subject that was not criticized, or in any different way trespassed by critical thought or opposite ideology. On the other hand, there are cultural contexts where some subjects are still taboos. Big taboos. It is kind of interesting thing to look back form my own perspective since my way of thinking was very much impacted by my countries cultural context. The theme/subject which was a taboo for me two years ago it does not mean a taboo for me anymore. And for example, what pops up straight into my mind is religion and naked body: it was something untouchable in my mind. Something, what you have to be ashamed to disturb its own existence. And there comes a second question: how to create something new and fresh? If you are creating something for the first time it will always be fresh for you but not for the audience.Your art-thingy will be characterized as repetition. But what if you trespass themes that were extreme darkness in your mind? And that is joyful new world for you and this brand new world completely changes your perception of the world which you have had on your lap just yesterday. I don't know the right answer for myself. But it is so interesting to live and find out new continents of the knowledge.


Banana act

Banana gonna be eaten.
Learned something new to do. Silly thing, but it is a good feeling to try out. Since I have never did anything like video editing, I am happy for now about the result. And it took me about an 1 hour. Used this program: Corel VisualStudio Pro.


Refreshing start

I have made a decision that it is time to do my blogging a bit differently. I was writing it since 2009. Most of the things were about love and life in an abstract way but it is time to grow up. And this is so wonderful to look back and read those cheerful thoughts of mine which are illustrated with stolen pictures. And I have never said it was mine.
One more reason is to create a public documentary pathway of my creative processes. I would love to keep it for years and it would be great to look back at my personality growth process. I am going to fill in this place with my sketches, projects, trials, concepts, notes, photographs, documentations and descriptions.
Another thing that I am happy about is to share my thoughts in a different language than my own. I am not living at my homeland for more than two years already. I am studying in English and writing my blog in English would help me to improve my language skills. So don't expect it to be perfect. I am very happy about sharing my thoughts with the people which I have met in the last two years. And I want to find new stories of the other people also. Communication in the same language always breaks the barriers.
And the last approach to my new blogging style: I will still be doing records about my personal homey life. My beloved fiancé, family, home, friends, travelling, studies, work, or anything else that comes to my mind.
I have some themes written down in my notebook which would be interesting to investigate and have an overview for the future. And I am still looking for suitable template outfit. I feel that it will take some time to unfold properly. And I have just repeated the word I for 5 times in a row. What a selfishness.

By the way, I hope that you will find this place attractive.  

That's me in October 2014.


Kartais taip kažkaip gaunasi, kad susistumi milijoną darbų į vieną dieną, dar kitas tris dienas irgi antrą milijoną jų reikia išspręsti, ir tada jau sėdi kaip ant rakščių kėdės, bet vis tiek pamatai kažką tokio, kas sukrečiančiai įkvepia judėti pirmyn.
Bus viskas gerai.


 2014. Vasara.
O Vilniau. Kaži kaip juokinga. Pažįstamo studenčioko tėvai pagalvojo, kad sūnus marčią parskraidino. O mane juk jis tik pavėžėt pasisiūlė iki centro. O čia mudvi su Aneta-mano-meile po ilgos dienos pasitrankymo Vilniuj ir ekskursijos po barus ir šiaip. Buvau nemiegojusi 36 valandas jau. Ir nebuvo taip baisu. Tik baisu, kai vidurvasary Vilniuj nėra kur pakratyti galvos šeštadienio naktį grojant kokiem ledzepam. 

 O štai ir Jis. Mano langų valytojas-bendrininkas. Namai, namučiai. Pyragai, nudegintos rankos, baisiai žiauriai karšta, basos kojos, žolė, perkūnai. Žvejojau rūbus ir ale dar labiau panele pavirsti bandžiau: prisipirkau tonas kosmetikos. Jokinga.

 Dar plaukėm su draugais į ežerą pasiplūduriuoti. Labai geras jausmas, pravalo mintis ir vėjas prakošia galvą.
Ponia Slyva vajėzau kokia nuskriaustoji. 
Trūksta čia dar dviejų kadrų: kaip man Vita kerpa plaukus ir kaip keturiese su tėvais geriam vyną lauko terasoj.


Užuosti, kaip kava pritraukia vandenį, vanduo pritraukia kavą. Barškinti šaukšteliu į stiklinę ąselę.
Nes dabar labai nenoriu kalbėtis su grupelės nariais. Nes labai noriu gerti kavą. Su cukrumi.
Vienintelė šalis, kur tavęs neklaus, Hvor kommer du fra, yra ta vieta, kur su niekuo nesišneki.